Sunday, 24 June 2012

It's Mystic Falls... Nothing bad ever happens here.

Before I start… This post contains MAJOR SPOILERS. So, whilst I’m sure if you’re a Vampire Diaries fan you will have seen the Season 3 finale, if you haven’t DO NOT READ BEYOND THIS POINT!

I’m mainly doing this review for my own sake because number one, I am already struggling without any TVD in my life (and I’ve already rewatched all of the seasons) and number two, I need to understand and fully appreciate this episode because it was simply amazing.

So here’s a brief overview of the episode:

Favourite moment: Everything from the moment Rebekah causes Matt and Elena’s accident onwards.

Most moving moment: the entire scene of the paralleling car accidents, so beautifully done.

Most confusing moment: the whole deal Elijah makes with Elena… It seemed very kind of him to do that considering they’d stopped the heart of his brother.

Most exciting moment: Elena wakes up at the very end: Best. Cliffhanger. Ever.

Favourite performance: I love evil Alaric but this has to go to Nina’s spectacular underwater performances, capturing Elena’s turmoil as she first loses her parents and then herself.

Best relationship between characters: Tyler and Caroline as a couple have to win this one. Their goodbye and Candice’s distressing yet convincing performance was flawless. But wait... Should I be saying Klaus and Caroline instead? Either guy with Caroline would probably win this for that moment but I'm secretly supporting a Caroline and Klaus get-together!

The way The Departed started was good enough to draw viewers right in from the moment ‘So What’ by Pink starts playing and Elena actually looks happy. Not a ‘let’s-put-on-a-brave-face-today’ happy nor ‘let’s-appreciate-today-because-tomorrow-could-be-crap’ happy- nope, this is genuine chirpiness. It always amazes me how Dobrev can adapt to these different emotions so well, playing a broken girl one minute and a picture of perfection the next. And then, of course, in true TVD style we are torn from the happy and dumped right into reality. It is extremely difficult to detach oneself from a character who you have followed right from the beginning of their emotional journey. That loneliness she experiences in the hospital room reflects Elena’s life now: Tyler, Caroline, Bonnie, Stefan, Damon, Alaric and even Jeremy are so far removed from being normal that Elena, whilst being the doppelganger, seems relatively ordinary compared with her supernatural friends (excluding Matt, of course). It makes her seem out of place in the life she is leading and this scene emphasises how Elena’s life needs to move on, something the writers decided to fulfil with the ending.

The decision to bring Elijah back briefly was great but I find his constant popping up to be a little unbelievable. How can an original just keep coming and going like that and be forgotten by the gang until they turn up again? Although Elijah, and Daniel Gilles, has proved to be extremely popular amongst fans, his appearances are pretty random and pretty convenient. I wouldn’t have thought he’d have been so forgiving just to get Klaus’ body back considering they had just stopped his brother’s heart. Nevertheless, he’s a rather cool guy and offered a very good almost-solution to the issue of this whole episode.

Up until this point, I’m sure many viewers had forgotten about Damon and the fact he was still with Klaus’ coffin somewhere until his distant voice comes through on the phone with a role of Elena’s eyes. This was one of my favourite parts of the episode simply for the fact that it made me sit there and giggle at Damon’s little comments. The “No! No, no, no, no. Did I mention, no?!” did highlight how, on the one hand Damon would control every part of Elena’s life if it were up to him to keep her safe but on the other Stefan is only concerned with what Elena wants. I personally think she’s done pretty well when she’s gone off by herself in the past but then equally, she does sometimes need babysitting. But is that only because it is so often enforced on her? It was only a matter of minutes before that she was being “coddled” on the couch by some lovely, but rather protective, friends. It is no wonder that she is constantly trying to break away and sort her own life out for once.

 And yet even though Stefan allows her to make the decision to trust Elijah, Matt is the one to take this choice away from her again. I'm not really sure how I feel about Matt drugging Elena with the “over-honeyed” tea. Like in The Reckoning, I love the fact that he is becoming a more active character and significant in the way that the events of an episode turn out. Plus, it’s obvious that he is only doing what he feels is best to keep Elena safe (man, she must get tired of people saying that to her). However, his betrayal of her trust and the distraction he provides about the Salvatore brothers whilst she sips the drug was really quite shocking for a character who, up until this point, had really been genuinely good. Yeah, okay, his intentions were still good but I did think he’d be siding with Stefan over the whole let-Elena-make-her-own-choices thing (she is 18 after all) rather than kidnapping her.

The death of Klaus, Rebekah’s immediate breakdown and Damon’s sickened look as he realises the bloodline could die was another fantastic scene. Claire Holt’s performance was, once again, perfect. I really do love this lady and her character who has fast become another one of my favourites- I hope they bring her back, she added so much spice to the episodes.

Thanks to for these pictures
So supposedly Klaus is dead. Yet one thing I noticed is that Alaric was so quick to assume that the dagger would work, he took it straight out as Klaus went up in flames, closed the coffin and turned his attention elsewhere. Obviously hindsight is a wonderful thing and we know that Klaus is indeed saved but I think I’ll be with many fans when I say that I hope Joseph Morgan returns to the series! The impact he’s had over the last season and a half has been huge and the reaction so positive despite his character being pure evil so I imagine that he will be making an appearance in the future. If not, I will personally steal the scripts and re-write them with him in it!

That phonecall, the heartbreaking one where we see Elena finally make a choice between the Salvatore brothers, reminded us again of the “one big proverbial coin toss” of the brother’s lives when it comes to Elena. I am glad that, whilst there were obviously a thousand other things going on, this grounding for the series was never forgotten or even sidelined. The decision Elena makes did cause me disappointment as I thought that this signified the end of any hope of a Delena hook up. But no, no! Hang on there- there is definitely still hope for them. Remember when a person becomes a vampire, they remember that which they were made to forget through compulsion? Well the first time she meets Damon, his confession of his love for her, it'll all come flooding back. Oh yeah, Elena is in for some confusing feelings when we see her for the first time next season. Poor girl. Or lucky girl, depending on which way you look at it.

I have to admit, I was almost converted to Team Stelena in this episode with that romantic if-I-never-see-you-again kiss. It hurts me a little to say it but he is so obviously the right guy for her and yet Damon would provide her with so much excitement. If I was Elena I’d have an equally tough time deciding between the two of them. But as she points out to Matt “When I choose one, I’ll lose the other” and Elena has lost so many people. She has mourned Jenna and her parents, and she is even without her real parents (Isabel and John) as well as Alaric by the end of this episode. It really is no wonder that this girl doesn’t want to go through any more pain. So I think we can forgive her for not making a choice more quickly.

There is also something to be said about Bonnie’s role in this episode. I’d love it if her character had more of a storyline rather than just being a run-to everytime the others need some witchy help and I think this use of dark magic- which started in the previous episode with her stopping of Klaus’ heartbeat- could be it. As much as I don’t want her to start on a downward spiral, I think this could be a really great storyline and allow Kat to show off her acting abilities by being a little bit evil. By keeping Klaus alive in Tyler’s body, “the spirits won’t be happy” with Bonnie but it’s the best of both worlds- we get to see the gorgeous Tyler but there is still hope for our favey JMo to come back.

So what does this mean for next season? Serious excitement for TVD fans, that’s what. I cannot wait to see how the writers create Elena’s transition and how she will deal with this future that was forced upon her. I'm pretty sure that she'll see through the transition but will she embrace her new life or hate it? And I wonder how she will react to the others? Now that she knows she really did meet Damon first and one could argue her meeting and falling in love with Stefan was down to him, will she change her mind about her choice? Plus, how will she feel about Meredith and Rebekah? Will she seek to blame someone for her predicament? I know the first thing I’d do would be to go all Katheriney and hunt down Rebekah for making me relive that accident. In fact, I would love to see Elena struggle with her niceness in the coming season and maybe see flickers of Katherine in her as the resentment, frustration and anger that she will undoubtedly feel begins to surface.

Wherever the writers choose to go with this storyline, there is no doubt that it will be epic and I personally will be obsessing over its potential until the show is back on our screens in autumn.

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