Sunday 2 February 2014

Bed blogging and hooked on Girls

Before you think it, I do know how that sounds but it's true. I've just suffered one of the worst night's sleeps I have ever had and am currently nursing the flu. Of course, the day it chooses to incapacitate me is the nicest day we've had here in weeks and all I want to do is be outside, preferably on a long run somewhere. So I thought I'd do something really productive with my time instead, and have been making my way through the first season of Girls (I've been wanting to watch it for ages- see? Productive.)

It's a program which is unlike anything I've ever watched because it prides itself on being real. The girls are all normal and accurate respresentations of today's young women, and the scenes are acted with a raw, unstaged conversational edge. Sometimes, actually a lot, I seriously cringe at what happens but it's because the awkward moments are so reflective of the actual truth, and it's just something I'm not used to seeing on TV which isn't a reality program. 

It also helps that I'm able to relate to the whole thing of graduates trying to find their way in the world, as well as finding themselves (and men) along the way. It's made me miss my girls back in England more because all I want to do is meet for coffee, have a night out, or even a night in, and gossip and giggle and moan.

Before I watched it, my friend (who's already a dedicated watcher) said that one of the four girls reminded her of me. I can't remember which one she said, but I'm now a little worried because, apart from Marnie who I love but am certainly not like, I'm not sure I want to be likened to any of them! I can't work out whether we're meant to like Hannah, the main character, but I confess that she drives me up the wall because she is so self-centred, and worse still, seemingly ignorant of it. Frankly, I just don't like Jessa and then there's Shoshanna being all cutesy, clueless and doe-eyed all the time (and yet I can't help but want to be her friend and watch Sex in the City together).

The guys in the series balance it out and give it a decent comical aspect so it's not all just about a group of slightly deranged girls, wandering round New York city trying to sort out their lives. Even though, let's be honest, that's why I watch it: it comforts me to know that I might not be the only one without a grand plan when I leave university.

All in all, you know it's a good sign when your cursor constantly reaches for the next episode button, and I need some distraction from this illness. So for the time being I'll just have to keep watching! xoxo

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