Afterwards, I decided to invest my money in some decent products for my skin. For ages I have been complaining about my problem skin, having tried everything to try and improve it. Everything apart from a decent skincare routine, I might add. I know, bad girl. I've bought products in the past and haven't kept up the routine, or have just used them when I feel I need them (which isn't as often as they should be used). Before I returned from France, I started to look in the mirror and see an ill person staring back- I just didn't look healthy. My skin was dry, blemished, and as far from radiant as possible. I had bags under my eyes and looked bad enough that people constantly asked me, "Are you okay? Are you tired?"
Meanwhile, I've become a green tea addict and have started to actually like eating vegetables. Shock, horror. I love cakes, and chocolate, and crisps and I generally have a huge appetite so everytime I sit down for a meal, I eat more than your average girl. I never thought eating healthily would be for me, but I tried it and I love it. I think it is something to do with the fact that you know what you're putting in your body is good for you. That makes me a happy girl. Plus, I still treat myself which stops the overwhelming temptation to buy everything in a French bakery when I walk past. Success.