Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Easter weekend fun

When I come home for the big holidays, my family go mad with me because I launch into full-on 'let's-do-cute-family-fun-things-and-be-adorable' mode. I like making big deals out of occasions like Christmas and New Year, but more recently Halloween and Easter too. I started asking what Easter plans we had weeks ago and when I was faced with two parents who laughed and said they hadn't even thought about it yet, I challenged myself with the task of planning something. Starting with a long run early Sunday morning, we spent the bank holiday making the most of the weather (hello sunshine! we've missed you!) and taking advantage of the fact we were all together as a family.

Mum made the effort to do an Easter tree this year which was super sweet to arrive home to, and we bought some new decorations from Tesco too- the upside-down sheep and chicks in the photo that we couldn't get to hang properly! 

I actually did my first proper roast for our evening meal (took me long enough, I know). I was determined to make everything perfect and thought I'd nailed the timings, but typically it didn't go completely to plan. But, all things considered, and when it was finally all ready, I think I did a pretty awesome job! The roasted vegetables (carrots, potatoes, parsnips, broccoli and red onion) were delicious, and were by far my favourite part of the meal. The gammon was super tender and the honey glaze I added topped it off perfectly. Yumm. Oh, and of course it was followed by chocolate. Lots of chocolate. Mum even managed to find me a white chocolate Lindt bunny which seem to have been difficult to track down this year. If they ever stop selling these, my heart will break.

Our miniature pony, Rupert, was also subjected to the Easter fun. I didn't expect him to look this cute - my heart positively melted. Unfortunately, I think he pulls them off better than me.

Like the rest of the British population, Easter Monday was spent in the great outdoors enjoying the glorious sunshine that finally arrived in England. Yay! We went for a bike ride, even managing to drag my brother with us too! It was my first cycle ride in a long time, and definitely my first since I've been properly running and become a bit of an exercise enthusiast so it was a fantastic feeling to find cycling so much easier than I remember! And it was great to be able to get out into the beautiful countryside that surrounds our little village.

Easter is fast becoming equally as exciting as Christmas for me. I get far too carried away with all the potential family time, good food and fun things. How was your Easter? Did you have any special plans, or just get down with all the chocolate?!

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