Saturday, 3 November 2012

Get out of my bubble

While this may be a form of procrastination from my horrible essay, the point I am about to rant about is nonetheless very valid.

If I haven't expressed my dislike for clubs before, I will now. Unless I am extremely drunk, clubs are absolutely disgusting places and highlight all that is wrong with the world. 

For some reason, in clubs it is acceptable for guys to look at girls like they are slabs of meat. These looks will normally be accompanied with such comments as "she's fit" or "I'd like to get on that." Nice, thank you boys that really paints a wonderful image of exactly what you're planning in your head now.

Girls are no better. Elbows become weapons on the dancefloor and the death stare as good as plants daggers into your skin if you're caught in the crossfire. It's also perfectly reasonable to grind on a guy in a sea of people who have to watch as you slobber over his face. I saw this exact scene the other night and found it extremely amusing watching the guy's response which I can describe in no other way than boredom.

I'm sure you've probably also come across the 'lad' who is obviously the coolest guy in the club and every girl wants to get with him because he is just sooo hot (despite the hours he spends looking in the mirror at every chance he gets, the ridiculous amount of time he'll spend acting 'hard' in the gym eyeing up the girls, the likelihood of him wearing foundation and the fact that he will most likely be a chino wanker). Or maybe he's just the biggest douchebag in there that girls fall over backwards for.

But apparently all this is really good fun. Who knew. 

Don't get me wrong, I've had a few awesome nights in clubs but that's been when I haven't been grabbed by some boy who thinks it's acceptable to touch me like I'm his girlfriend or something (I almost punched that one), when I don't get shoved around on the dancefloor because it's quiet enough that there's actually room to dance and when the music isn't some horrendously ear-offending wub-wub-wub thing that sounds the same even when the track has apparently changed. 

I might be young but that doesn't mean this is my scene. Give me a cocktail and a bar any day. Or even better just kick the chino wankers and sluts out of the clubs and leave it for other people to enjoy without them!

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