Sunday, 3 May 2015

6 reasons why being a morning person is awesome

The words 'I'm going to have a lie-in tomorrow' rarely leave my lips, and when they do, they refer to the 8.30am lie-in I have about four times a year. My friends think I'm mad that my standard wake up time is either 6.30 or 7am (depending on my workout schedule), and that even if I don't set an alarm I'll wake up naturally at those times anyway. And you know what? I love it. I could never, ever be a night owl, there are just far to many reasons to love the morning! Here's just six of them...

1. The weather is (usually) at its best in the morning. Hello morning runs at sunrise. The amount of times I've woken up to clear blue skies for it to turn dull and grey a few hours later makes rising early so worth it.

2. Unless you're from a family of early risers, being the first one up means you get a few moments of blissful peace while you gradually wake up. 

3. You end up with extra time! I've never seen the attraction of sleeping for longer so you have to rush to get ready in 15 minutes and skip breakfast at the risk of being late. Rising early means taking your time over breakfast, choosing your outfit for the day, messing with your hair and applying makeup. It also means that if you are suffering from a bad hair day/can't find that skirt, you have time to fix it! 

4. Early morning workouts are the best and getting up early means it doesn't eat into your day. Instead, you just end up feeling awesome and energised and ready to tackle the day head on. 

5. It increases your overall productivity. I can be so super productive before it's even 11am. If I'm on a roll, I'll often run, have breakfast, do some work, and have ridden all before 11 o'clock.

6. Getting up earlier usually means going to bed earlier too, and getting those precious hours in before midnight does wonders for your energy levels. It's also a more natural way of sleeping- sleep when it's dark, wake when it's light. Kind of makes sense.

Think of anymore? As always, I'd love to hear suggestions below!

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