Sunday, 10 May 2015

The start of the end

A good-looking club - the Equestrian girls!
This year has flown by so quickly, I've hardly had a chance to think about the fact it's my final year at university - and now we're pretty much at the end. As leaving gets closer and closer, I'm definitely starting to notice myself thinking 'this will be the last time' when I do certain things but the biggest of all these moments so far was Colours Ball this weekend.

Colours Ball is the highlight of the sporting year at our university and awards people and clubs for their contributions to uni sport throughout the year. I've seen several friends get up on the stage for awards, and it's always been a little dream of mine to make sure I too got to do that before I leave forever! After an amazing nomination from my fellow committee members, that dream came true and I got my Club Colours for the commitment I've shown to the Equestrian Club over my time at uni. 

It is an amazing feeling to feel a part of the sporting community at university, and to have the support of my beloved little club behind me. I've realised how much I'll miss the club and the girls. This year we've had new members and old members returning but the evening showed that although we're still a small club, the people make it great. I've become so close with everyone this year and I have no doubts that they will continue the club's success next year and make it the best it's ever been.

I made my last Colours Ball count and had an incredible time, mainly due to company and how well it was all organised (and maaaybe a little too much wine...). We spent a lovely afternoon taking photos of us all and the weather was even nice for us, even when we returned at 2am in the morning.

My outfit was quite simple really, with my dress making the statement. My friends were brilliant (as always) with helping me get ready and I think it's safe to say we're all hugely looking forward to Graduation now. But I might lay off the wine a bit more next time... Being a final year makes a huge and horrible difference to my hangovers!

Dress - Reiss; shoes - M&S; clutch - Accessorize; earrings - Accessorize.

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