Thursday, 27 October 2016

Lost & Found

Hello… It’s me.

It's been a long time and I've been meaning, and wanting, to write this post for months. I kept going round in circles thinking what can I write? How can I come back with a meaningful post after such a long time away? Should I do a round-up of everything that's happened in the last 15 months or so? Should I do a total overhaul of the blog and come back with a bang? Should I start again with Friday Favourites? And so it continued...

I could come up with some fantastic reason why posting has been absent but, in reality, life just got in the way and... happened. Life happened. Always the way, isn't it?

And then the other day I realised: it’s not what I write now that matters, it’s what I'm going to write. 

So here is what to expect going forward: Rural & Chic will be a lifestyle blog. There will be regular posts, covering everything from travel to exercise, and food to fashion. I like a lot of things and I know you do too so any suggestions on things you would like to see, please feel free to comment below as always. I'm consciously trying to learn a few new skills at the moment, one of which is photography, so expect better (I hope!) photos and graphics. You'll also notice that over the next few weeks or so, I’ll be slowly rebranding the site to be simpler, sleeker and more appealing.

Because the thing it is, I love this little part of the internet and I love writing. I don’t want to let it go. Since leaving university, I'm not using the skills I developed during my degree as much as I'd like and I miss it. There is something about the English language which is addictive; the ability to convey whatever you want to people that you’ve never met who then read and understand exactly what you’re saying. Language is so powerful and I don’t want to lose it. So I write this blog because I want to keep writing, to refine my skill and to express my opinion in my own little corner of the internet.

I’m excited. As you see the changes over the coming weeks, I hope you will be too. I look forward to this new journey and hope you take it with me. 

See you on the next post!

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