Wednesday, 22 July 2015

Graduation and moving on

This post was meant to be written on Sunday, and then on Monday but it was only today that I felt like I could get my head together and actually write something down.

It's official, I've graduated from university and might want to cry a little bit (both from happiness, and also because it's scary). I've entered the adult world and start work properly on 3rd August, although I've been breaking myself in gently with weeks here and there since I finished! Making the transition from student to working 9-5 five days a week will be tough but I think the routine will be exactly what I need.

Now that I've had my graduation, it all seems a bit more real. I got news a couple of weeks ago that I had actually gone and done it - I got a First Class BA Hons in English Literature! No one was more surprised (or relieved) than me. But it was only when I walked out to my family in my cap and gown on the day of my ceremony, and when I was personally congratulated on my First on stage, and when both my lecturers came to speak to me that it really settled in. My first year dream of having a first in English Literature had come true, and the pride I felt throughout the day for me and all my friends will be a feeling that will stay with me for a long time. It's proof that all our hard work and effort paid off, and was so so worth it.

With my lovely grandparents
But by far one of the best things about the day was that we were able to bring my grandparents down for the ceremony. I was so so excited to share my special day with them, and when they both teared up seeing me in my robes, I realised how much it meant to them too. My grandad turned 90 this year, and to be able to see the pride on his face and on my nana's was enough to know that I would do it all again in a heartbeat - all the stress, hard work and mountains of reading. We honestly just had such a wonderful day.

Our ball in the evening meant that our friendship group could celebrate together before parting our separate ways and beginning our careers. I think had it not been for mental exhaustion and the drinks we would have been far more serious and emotional. But actually, I'm glad it wasn't. We concentrated on having an incredible time in each other's company, knowing it was definitely not the end, but only a new beginning. It's true what they say about university - you make friends for life.

So with less than two weeks until I start work permanently, I'm taking some me time to focus on my achievements, some self-love and my future. Despite university having been the best years of my life (excuse the cheese), I do feel ready to move on now. I'm ready for this new chapter in my life and what it will hold for me.

With my brother, and he's even smiling!

Have you graduated recently, or started a new job? Are you feeling postive? Let me know below! 

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