While this may be a form of procrastination from my horrible essay, the point I am about to rant about is nonetheless very valid.
If I haven't expressed my dislike for clubs before, I will now. Unless I am extremely drunk, clubs are absolutely disgusting places and highlight all that is wrong with the world.
For some reason, in clubs it is acceptable for guys to look at girls like they are slabs of meat. These looks will normally be accompanied with such comments as "she's fit" or "I'd like to get on that." Nice, thank you boys that really paints a wonderful image of exactly what you're planning in your head now.
Girls are no better. Elbows become weapons on the dancefloor and the death stare as good as plants daggers into your skin if you're caught in the crossfire. It's also perfectly reasonable to grind on a guy in a sea of people who have to watch as you slobber over his face. I saw this exact scene the other night and found it extremely amusing watching the guy's response which I can describe in no other way than boredom.
I'm sure you've probably also come across the 'lad' who is obviously the coolest guy in the club and every girl wants to get with him because he is just sooo hot (despite the hours he spends looking in the mirror at every chance he gets, the ridiculous amount of time he'll spend acting 'hard' in the gym eyeing up the girls, the likelihood of him wearing foundation and the fact that he will most likely be a chino wanker). Or maybe he's just the biggest douchebag in there that girls fall over backwards for.
But apparently all this is really good fun. Who knew.
Don't get me wrong, I've had a few awesome nights in clubs but that's been when I haven't been grabbed by some boy who thinks it's acceptable to touch me like I'm his girlfriend or something (I almost punched that one), when I don't get shoved around on the dancefloor because it's quiet enough that there's actually room to dance and when the music isn't some horrendously ear-offending wub-wub-wub thing that sounds the same even when the track has apparently changed.
I might be young but that doesn't mean this is my scene. Give me a cocktail and a bar any day. Or even better just kick the chino wankers and sluts out of the clubs and leave it for other people to enjoy without them!
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Halloween 2012
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Happy Halloween! |
I went as a weird doll to the Halloween party at uni but the make-up took me a long time even though I did a half-arsed attempt too! The dress is courtesy of my friend Dani, thanks babygirl. I got a few ideas from YouTube videos for the make up look but basically winged the whole thing (with minimal expenditure).
The Halloween night at university was apparently good. I personally am missing most of the evening (I wouldn't ask because I couldn't tell you anyway) but from what I've heard there were some awesome costumes. My friends in the photos above were a ventriloquist doll (right) but actually ending up doubling up at Jigsaw from the Saw movies and a corpse groom (middle) who met up with her corpse bride later in the evening!
Jigsaw baked us some amazing Halloween-themed goodies like spider web cakes and mummy gingerbread men. But sadly treat-or-treaters avoided our house (sensible mothers clearly know which houses are student houses in the area!) so we ended up eating her baking ourself, not that I'm complaining.
So, until next year... Happy belated Halloween!
Saturday, 20 October 2012
Watch out Zara Phillips...
Finally at our first competition! |
I’ve finally done it! The moment I have been working towards for five years was finally made a reality on Wednesday 5th September when I took Toffee to his first show!
I’m not going to sugar-coat how well we did, because we
didn’t. I fell off twice and, technically, we didn’t complete the course (after
two goes)! After a week of intensive training, sometimes schooling twice a day,
Toffee had almost become a normal horse to jump and after one of my friends saw
him by the end of the week, she couldn't believe he was going so well. However,
apparently all that went out of the window once we were at the show and it did
get all a bit exciting for Toffee who proceeded to run around the course like a
headless chicken.
If you’re not into horses, this probably seems a little
ridiculous. However, he was a nervous pony already, due to a difficult and
abusive past before we bought him, and Toffee found the new jumps, new
environment and new horses a bit too much to cope with. It was frustrating for
me because every other person (even the little children) seemed to be casually
popping each jump and getting clear rounds!
But as my mum and friends continue to remind me, this
was a huge step for us. One of mum’s
more experienced friends who had been training us reassured me the other day:
Toffee is an extremely difficult pony. Therefore, I have to realise that the
very fact I was even riding him at a show and getting back on him after falling
off (twice!) was a phenomenal achievement considering I wouldn’t even ride him
this time last year.
So many people have said to me that I need a new horse, that
Toffee isn’t the right horse for what I want to do and that I can’t handle him.
Yet, whilst I’m not the greatest rider in the world, in fact I’m nowhere near,
I do understand my little pony with all his quirks and anxiety issues and I
would never give up on him.
Even if I would like to compete a bit more, to ride a horse
that wouldn't run off every time we see a jump, I’ll sacrifice that for this pony. Despite his problems when I’m riding him, on the ground he is the
most genuine horse I have ever known. He is such a friendly, clever boy that I
could never sell him for fear that he would end up in the wrong hands again.
I’m still going to compete with the university this year and of
course, I’ll still be having riding lessons whilst I’m in Guildford .
You never know, this time next year, I might be taking Toffee back again. You
better watch out Zara Phillips!
But for now, I’m just happy that I finally achieved what I
set out to do, something which wouldn’t have been possible without the University of Surrey
and the Equestrian Club. And thanks to them, Toffee and I are enjoying riding
again, something I never thought would happen.
Absence makes the heart grow fonder...
I haven't made a point of looking at when I posted last but I know it was a long time ago. Too long. But I've missed blogging. I've missed my little space of the internet where I can offload my problems.
Unfortunately though, until I can think of something decent to write about, this is just going to be a quick update of a few things from the last couple of weeks... Or... Months?!
1. We've moved into our new home! It's lovely, if a bit of a far walk from university, and us girls have settled in nicely.
2. I've started second year with a very stressful life (which is only going to get worse) and this is where I'm going to have a little rant... Disclaimer: I am not looking for sympathy, I fully accept this life has been brought upon myself and that I can escape whenever I want... But I'm going to moan anyway. This year, as well as a more intensive course with deadlines coming up and three books to read each week, I am News Editor of The Stag (our university newspaper), soon-to-be President of the Equestrian Club (currently Treasurer) and I have just stupidly said yes to being on the Equestrian Teams again this year. Nice one. Queue extremely busy and stressful life.
3. I'm back to jumping 3 foot with Toffee! I can't remember if I posted about my competition? I could probably just look but that seems like a lot of effort right now. If I didn't a post will be coming shortly. I went home last weekend because I was in serious need of a break and had such a lovely weekend! Being away from home has made me appreciate it so much more.
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Going home was worth it just to be warm for a night |
4. I met Lawson the other day! Being an aspiring journalist definitely pays off when you get to go to Q&A session with four very talented (and also extremely hot) young men.
5. Why am I so untidy? I used to think it was a sign of how disorganised I am but I have since realised I must be pretty organised to manage this life I have at the moment. So I've come to the conclusion that I really am just messy, something my mum has been telling me for years. Once again, mum, you're always right.
6. Never let me see another bramble again. Over summer I worked as a gardener and genuinely cannot see what the attraction is. It is the most unsatisfying job I have ever done.
7. I did work experience at my local newspaper over summer which was eye-opening. Fun, with lovely people, but I'm starting to question whether I could do journalism as a job for more than a few weeks.
8. I have decided that in my GAP year (which I am most definitely having once I finish uni) I want to go and work on an American (or Australian, I'm easy) ranch. Or I might even do it for a summer. Anyone with any info, send it my way please!
9. I'm over my constant worrying about eating. I like eating and if I want a Mars Caramel bar (which for the record are one of the best things to bless the shops recently), I'm sure as hell going to have one. And you can judge all you like skinny people. As my friend Dani would say, you go girl! (Maybe you should considering copyrighting this phrase Dani?)
10. VAMPIRE DIARIES IS BACK! BEST PROGRAMME EVER. And the only thing to keep me sane now that I hardly have any time to myself.
Stay happy and bubbly everyone! xoxo
Sunday, 16 September 2012
The Hunger Games
©Lionsgate The Hunger Games |
So maybe I’m a little bit
behind the hype here but I’ve only just watched The Hunger Games last night after failing to see it at the cinema.
After all of the fuss over the film, I finally decided to read the books even
though I had never heard of them before the release of the movie. I was so
surprised that I wrote an article for my university newspaper which went
something like this…
If you haven’t heard of The
Hunger Games yet, where have you been? Before its film success, the novel
had maintained a spot on USA Today’s bestselling books list for 135
weeks. And with such a huge fanbase, The
Hunger Games trilogy is
undoubtedly a phenomenon as big as Harry
Potter and Twilight.
Unfortunately, because of its target audience and its
success, it is difficult to avoid comparing Collins’ novel to Harry Potter and Twilight, but if you’re a fan of either you will love this book and
the film. Within a couple of chapters, I was completely gripped.
To give a brief summary (without spoilers), The Hunger Games is based in the country
of Panem, controlled by the Capitol after a failed rebellion. The Capitol hosts
the televised Hunger Games every year to warn the country against another
uprising. There is a draw from which one girl and one boy between the ages of
12 and 18 are picked from each of the 12 remaining districts to fight to the
death. The last one to remain in the game, alive, is the victor. In the 74th
annual Games, Katniss Everdeen prepares to fight for District 12.
Forget Bella; Katniss embodies all the strength, wittiness
and intelligence of the ultimate heroine. She completely defies all stereotypes
and you cannot help but fall for her tough, independent exterior which hides
her almost soft and sometimes naïve nature.
I love Twilight,
honestly I do, but I first read those books when I was 14 and 15 years old.
Upon returning to read them recently, it spoiled the magic for me as I realised
how controversial and yet marginal the content and characters really are. But The Hunger Games can be read as a
wonderful, and truly brilliant, critique of society and the Capitalist system.
From the alienated, anonymous twelve districts working to
supply the Capitol, to the celebrated sole victor of the Games as a way to
appease the population, Collins has created a novel that is not just entertaining
but is extremely thought provoking.
Whilst I’ll avoid as many spoilers as possible, something
else that struck me whilst reading this book was the sincerity of Peeta. I have
to admit, this is one of the most moving things about this novel. As the reader
is dragged through turmoil and struggle, he is what grounds this story with his
simple determination to remain true to himself, another allusion to the flaws
of Capitalism with its destruction of individualism.
Indeed, this dystopian novel has been praised as
“outstanding” by The Times. Yet it is not only an exhilarating ride on the
constantly wavering edge between life and death but also calls into question
the very nature of being human.
And a few months on, these comments still stand. Even more so
after watching the film, which I thought was a fantastic adaptation.
Annoyingly, halfway through, my brother (being the computer
geek that he is) said “God, those graphics are awful” when Katniss and Peeta
were set on fire. And yeah, do you know what, they weren’t great but I think
the whole point was that they weren’t meant to be brilliant because the entire
concept of the Games is that they’re fake
and completely fabricated, only
serving to highlight the illusion of their reality.
He and my dad also kept predicting what would happen by the
end and if I hadn’t have read the books I would have said exactly the same
thing. But I have, and this is another reason why Collins has done an
incredible job; everything that you would expect from a novel of this young
adult genre is completely usurped. Read it and you’ll know what I mean because
this is one gutsy writer who has the right to point and laugh at those who
think she’s just written another, predictable story.
The film also didn’t openly try and appeal to younger
audiences so didn’t fail to deliver the seriousness and pure grittiness of the
novel. I felt that the way the desperation to survive and kill was kept as raw
and true as it was (and as would be in reality) in the book.
And just as a sidenote: Jennifer Lawrence is a perfect casting choice. What an amazing
and up-and-coming actress (with an equally fabulous figure might I add).
So I challenge you to read The Hunger Games and not find yourself drawn into the suspense, the
terror and the passion which Collins so excellently weaves between its pages. I
promise that you will be hungry for more…
Sunday, 24 June 2012
It's Mystic Falls... Nothing bad ever happens here.
So here’s a brief overview of the episode:
Favourite moment: Everything from the moment Rebekah causes Matt and Elena’s accident onwards.
Most moving moment: the entire scene of the
paralleling car accidents, so beautifully done.
Most confusing moment: the whole deal Elijah makes
with Elena… It seemed very kind of him to do that considering they’d stopped
the heart of his brother.
Most exciting moment: Elena wakes up at the very end:
Best. Cliffhanger. Ever.
Favourite performance: I love evil Alaric but this
has to go to Nina’s spectacular underwater performances, capturing Elena’s
turmoil as she first loses her parents and then herself.
Best relationship between characters: Tyler and
Caroline as a couple have to win this one. Their goodbye and Candice’s
distressing yet convincing performance was flawless. But wait... Should I be saying Klaus and Caroline instead? Either guy with Caroline would probably win this for that moment but I'm secretly supporting a Caroline and Klaus get-together!
The way The Departed started was good enough to draw viewers right
in from the moment ‘So What’ by Pink starts playing and Elena actually looks happy. Not a
‘let’s-put-on-a-brave-face-today’ happy nor
‘let’s-appreciate-today-because-tomorrow-could-be-crap’ happy- nope, this is
genuine chirpiness. It always amazes me how Dobrev can adapt to these different
emotions so well, playing a broken girl one minute and a picture of perfection
the next. And then, of course, in true TVD style we are torn from the happy and
dumped right into reality. It is extremely
difficult to detach oneself from a character who you have followed right from
the beginning of their emotional journey. That loneliness she experiences in
the hospital room reflects Elena’s life now: Tyler, Caroline, Bonnie, Stefan,
Damon, Alaric and even Jeremy are so far removed from being normal that Elena,
whilst being the doppelganger, seems relatively ordinary compared with her
supernatural friends (excluding Matt, of course). It makes her seem out of place in the life she is leading and this scene emphasises how Elena’s life needs to move on, something the writers decided to
fulfil with the ending.
The decision to bring Elijah back briefly was great but I find
his constant popping up to be a little unbelievable. How can an original just
keep coming and going like that and be forgotten by the gang until they turn up
again? Although Elijah, and Daniel Gilles, has proved to be extremely popular
amongst fans, his appearances are pretty random and pretty convenient. I wouldn’t have thought he’d have been so
forgiving just to get Klaus’ body back considering they had just stopped his
brother’s heart. Nevertheless, he’s a rather cool guy and offered a very good almost-solution to the issue of
this whole episode.
From vampire-diaries.net |
Up until this point, I’m sure many viewers had forgotten
about Damon and the fact he was still with Klaus’ coffin somewhere until his
distant voice comes through on the phone with a role of Elena’s eyes. This was
one of my favourite parts of the episode simply for the fact that it made
me sit there and giggle at Damon’s little comments. The “No! No, no, no, no.
Did I mention, no?!” did highlight how, on the one hand Damon would control
every part of Elena’s life if it were up to him to keep her safe but on the
other Stefan is only concerned with what Elena wants. I personally think she’s
done pretty well when she’s gone off by herself in the past but then equally,
she does sometimes need babysitting. But is that only because it is so often
enforced on her? It was only a matter of minutes before that she was being
“coddled” on the couch by some lovely, but rather protective, friends. It is no
wonder that she is constantly trying to break away and sort her own life out
for once.
The death of Klaus, Rebekah’s immediate breakdown and
Damon’s sickened look as he realises the bloodline could die was another
fantastic scene. Claire Holt’s performance was, once again, perfect. I really
do love this lady and her character who has fast become another one of my
favourites- I hope they bring her back, she added so much spice to the
Thanks to vampire-diaries.net for these pictures |
So supposedly Klaus is dead. Yet one thing I noticed is that
Alaric was so quick to assume that the dagger would work, he took it straight
out as Klaus went up in flames, closed the coffin and turned his attention
elsewhere. Obviously hindsight is a wonderful thing and we know that Klaus is
indeed saved but I think I’ll be with many fans when I say that I hope Joseph
Morgan returns to the series! The impact he’s had over the last season and a
half has been huge and the reaction so positive despite his character being
pure evil so I imagine that he will be making an appearance in the future. If
not, I will personally steal the scripts and re-write them with him in it!
That phonecall,
the heartbreaking one where we see Elena finally make a choice between the
Salvatore brothers, reminded us again of the “one big proverbial coin toss” of
the brother’s lives when it comes to Elena. I am glad that, whilst there were
obviously a thousand other things going on, this grounding for the series was
never forgotten or even sidelined. The decision Elena makes did cause me disappointment as I thought that this signified the end of any hope of a Delena hook up. But no, no! Hang on
there- there is definitely still hope
for them. Remember when a person becomes a vampire, they remember that which
they were made to forget through compulsion? Well the first time she meets Damon, his confession of his love for her, it'll all come flooding back. Oh yeah, Elena is in for some
confusing feelings when we see her for the first time next season. Poor girl.
Or lucky girl, depending on which way you look at it.
I have to admit, I was almost converted to Team Stelena in
this episode with that romantic if-I-never-see-you-again kiss. It hurts me a
little to say it but he is so obviously the right guy for her and yet Damon
would provide her with so much excitement. If I was Elena I’d have an equally
tough time deciding between the two of them. But as she points out to Matt “When
I choose one, I’ll lose the other” and Elena has lost so many people. She has
mourned Jenna and her parents, and she is even without her real parents (Isabel
and John) as well as Alaric by the end of this episode. It really is no wonder
that this girl doesn’t want to go through any more pain. So I think we can
forgive her for not making a choice more quickly.
There is also something to be said about Bonnie’s role in
this episode. I’d love it if her character had more of a storyline rather than
just being a run-to everytime the others need some witchy help and I think this
use of dark magic- which started in the previous episode with her stopping of
Klaus’ heartbeat- could be it. As much as I don’t want her to start on a
downward spiral, I think this could be a really great storyline and allow Kat
to show off her acting abilities by being a little bit evil. By keeping Klaus
alive in Tyler ’s body, “the spirits won’t be
happy” with Bonnie but it’s the best of both worlds- we get to see the gorgeous
Tyler but there
is still hope for our favey JMo to come back.
So what does this mean for next season? Serious excitement
for TVD fans, that’s what. I cannot wait to see how the writers
create Elena’s transition and how she will deal with this future that was
forced upon her. I'm pretty sure that she'll see through the transition but will she
embrace her new life or hate it? And I wonder how she will react to the others?
Now that she knows she really did meet Damon first and one could argue her
meeting and falling in love with Stefan was down to him, will she change her
mind about her choice? Plus, how will she feel about Meredith and Rebekah? Will
she seek to blame someone for her predicament? I know the first thing I’d do
would be to go all Katheriney and hunt down Rebekah for making me relive that
accident. In fact, I would love to see Elena struggle with her niceness in the
coming season and maybe see flickers of Katherine in her as the resentment,
frustration and anger that she will undoubtedly feel begins to surface.
Wherever the writers choose to go with this storyline, there
is no doubt that it will be epic and I personally will be
obsessing over its potential until the show is back on our screens in autumn.
Saturday, 23 June 2012
Be Proud of Who You Are
This is something that has really touched me, in a way that both
saddens and yet angers me greatly. The photos that have been shown of Fiona are
positively stunning and it is with great regret that she obviously had no idea
that she was beautiful. Having been through, and still going through, paranoia
about my own body and the way I look, I can understand, to a certain extent,
how young girls must feel when they are constantly bombarded with images of
perfect bodies from the media. I know all about retouching in photographs and I
am so supportive of magazines and companies which have employed a zero-retouching
policy or use what they call ‘real women’ for their advertisements. Even as I was looking
through a magazine the other day, my friend said to me “But Rachel, they don’t
actually look like that” as I was busy getting depressed over what a state I
felt my body look like compared with the skinny size 6 girls. This brought everything into
I am often described as living in a fantasy world where I have
an extremely romanticised view of life which often is never fulfilled and the
very fact that I ogle at these ‘perfect’ people and wish to be like them
actually shows how deluded I am sometimes. But I am fortunate enough to have
had my eyes opened unlike many of the young girls in society today upon whom
the pressure to look and be perfect can only be growing.
In fact, I would go so far as to say that this fake perfection
seen in celebrities has actually come to be seen as ‘normal’, as what girls are
‘supposed’ to look like. Meanwhile, what is actually normal, what girls and
women actually look like has come to be seen as imperfect and undesirable. Let’s
be realistic- there are going to be those women out there who are gorgeous, who do have that perfect
body with seemingly no flaws but they are either extremely, ridiculously
fortunate or a slave to their appearance. Personally, I would never want to be
so hung up on how I looked that I became that obsessed with being thin and working out all the time (I also don't have the time). Yet
unfortunately this is becoming more and more common.
I will be the first to admit that I am far from ‘perfect’. 90-odd
per cent of women have cellulite (and the majority of the remaining women were
probably lying), a similar amount have stretch marks and many, including me, will
complain about an unending amount of things that is wrong with them, probably with weight being at the forefront of it all. But perhaps what is the
most comforting thing is that it is normal.
So many women share these so called ‘imperfections’ that even Britney Spears
released unretouched photos of her Candies shoot a few years back to support
women with their body image. (Check the photos out here. I personally think she
looks better in the unretouched ones simply before she doesn’t look like a
plastic dolly).
The pressure on women and girls to be the 'correct' weight is only further triggered by stick thin celebrities in the media. One
thing that has always puzzled me is why size 4 or size 6 (UK ) or
sometimes even thinner models are used to model designers’ clothes. Not only do
I often think that the clothes look a hell of a lot better by the time they’ve
hit the shops anyway but that a woman with curves would make the actual
clothes look amazing! Women are meant
to be curvy, we’re meant to have a
waist, a bum and boobs. None of this stick-like shape seen on the catwalks
which I personally find gross and if any man out there wants to disagree, go ahead
and try and persuade me that these women are more attractive than, say,
Beyoncé. For the record, this woman is my idol. She’s super talented, grounded
and, yes, whilst many of her photos are probably retouched, she is not a stick!
She simply celebrates being herself and being a woman.
The whole point is that the human body is not perfect. If it were, everybody would
be the same and lack individuality- everybody would be a nobody. If it were
meant to be perfect, we would have been made to be perfect. But the perfection in the media isn't a perfect which is beautiful, stunning and gorgeous, instead that type of perfection is unrealistically flawless, plastic-like
and manufactured, something which is often never
real and can only be achieved via computer editing.
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
The End of an Era
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To whoever is living in House 62 next year: treat it well, it rocks. |
Well, it’s over! More officially than the last time I posted
about this anyway! I had my last exam a week today and yesterday was the last
day for moving out of halls. I have to admit that I so wanted to come home
after seeing all the cars coming up to collect students on Saturday (I went on
Sunday) but now that I’m home, it’s finally set in that I will never again live
in halls and Room 6 again. Me and my friends will never again gather in the kitchen
for pre-drinks, coffee or chats. Room 6 will no longer be the social hub of
the house (I’m not being arrogant here, my friends say this!) and I am now
without an en suite. Bye bye House 62- we had some amazing times.
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My room looking so empty horribly empty |
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Bye, bye Room 6! |
Whilst this is very sad, let’s quit the pity party because
when something comes to an end, something else begins. Enter 36 Canterbury Road and my four girls!
Once we’ve girlyfied (yes, that is a word- I do English remember) the house and
settled down, it will be like one huge sleepover every night! Until I get too
tired and have to go to bed, that is... Now there’s a good reason for loving my
girls: not only did we all attempt to spend one last evening together watching
a film on Saturday night even though we were all fighting to stay awake and
wanted to be in bed, but they have been there to cheer me up, make me laugh and
sorted me out for the last night at uni (girls- you know what I mean (; ). Of
course I’m only saying this because I’m finally letting them see my blog… Just
kidding! Love you girls.
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My new (what we call) ringlet |

So I know it was a ridiculously long time ago for us, and
even longer for the US ,
but I did promise a Vampire Diaries finale review and it is coming!! Now I have
all the time in the world I can finally write it but I’m going to wait until my
friend Dani has finished watching the end of Season 3 first (yes, that’s right,
I finally got one of my housemates into it and she loves it!!) so I don’t
accidently give her spoilers. So until then, adios amigos!
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Home Sweet Home
Finally home after 4 weeks of pretty intense work, deadlines and revision... Unfortunately though, it's not over yet! But I have over a week until my next exam so I took the opportunity to come home mainly so that I could ride my horse after what seems like a very long time of being deprived of riding! And to see my family, of course... Probably should have put that first.
My first, and last for a while, exam was on Monday and whilst I'm honestly not sure how it went at all, I managed to come out in such an amazing mood! I gave myself the day off afterwards and watched, as I promised myself after the exam, the Vampire Diaries Season 3 finale! And what a finale! Absolutely incredible. A post-review will follow in due course even though I'm more than a little late watching it! I just need to spread my love for this program!
The weather has been so gorgeous too and it was such a good feeling to be able to go and sit by the lake in the middle of campus and sunbathe without feeling guilty for not revising! I am now suitably sunkissed. It was made even better with the addition of half price Frappuccinos from Starbucks during their happy hour this week! The Chocolate Cookie Crumble is definitely worth a try!! It's my new favourite.
Nevertheless, I'm absolutely loving being back! No matter how at home I now feel at uni, this little village is just a little slice of perfection. I've already jumped my horse twice since getting back yesterday and he's coming on so well! I'm still aiming to do my first show with him in summer- it's been a long time coming! In my excitement at seeing the horses again, I almost forgot my little cat (pictured) called Pearl, she's an ex-show and breeding Snow Bengal with gorgeous blue eyes and has been acting like the spoilt princess that she is!
So this weekend is the Jubilee!! Yay! I have to say I'm so excited! (A lot of excitement in this post, I know.) The village is hosting a party for it with readings, short plays and a BBQ and buffet. It's actually one of the reasons why I came back for the week: I've been asked to act as part of a poetry reading which will be fun, especially because I'm dressing up all vintagey. I will post outfit photos after the weekend!
This is also the perfect excuse to go red, white and blue crazy so I decided to go all out and do Jubilee nails!! You'll have to excuse the paint around my nails that I hadn't removed before taking the photos but otherwise, they didn't go too badly! I've used the Rio Nail Art set which I would so recommend to anyone with a nail obsession because although it retails at about £20, the set has lasted me a good 18 months now with pretty regular use and they dry so quickly!
The main white coat I used was actually from a Sally Hansen manicure set so it is meant to be used for the tips but it's been great! Because it's quite thin, chipping has been minimal thus far, although I did just get cocky so I'll now be expecting a chip sometime soon!
I also realised with great sadness and dread that yesterday was 30th May. Which means that a month yesterday, it will be my birthday and I will be 19. Now I'll apologise in advance to those 18 and above (because I keep getting disapproving looks everytime I say this) but I don't want to be 19!! I never wanted to be 18 either because it meant I was closer to 19 and then to 20 and that sounds soo big!! Not old, definitely not old, just mature and adult, i.e I really do have to start acting like an adult with horrible and serious adult responsibilities! Yuck, yuck, yuck. But I have come to the conclusion whilst coming back on the train yesterday that ageing is, unfortunately, inevitable so I may as well enjoy each day as it comes. And this year has been brilliant! In fact, for what I have lined up next year, things can surely only get better!
Anyway, whatever you have planned for this weekend's Jubilee celebrations, enjoy it and I hope you have a great time! Make the most of this fantastic excuse to be all British and have afternoon tea and buffets! xoxo
My first, and last for a while, exam was on Monday and whilst I'm honestly not sure how it went at all, I managed to come out in such an amazing mood! I gave myself the day off afterwards and watched, as I promised myself after the exam, the Vampire Diaries Season 3 finale! And what a finale! Absolutely incredible. A post-review will follow in due course even though I'm more than a little late watching it! I just need to spread my love for this program!
The weather has been so gorgeous too and it was such a good feeling to be able to go and sit by the lake in the middle of campus and sunbathe without feeling guilty for not revising! I am now suitably sunkissed. It was made even better with the addition of half price Frappuccinos from Starbucks during their happy hour this week! The Chocolate Cookie Crumble is definitely worth a try!! It's my new favourite.
Nevertheless, I'm absolutely loving being back! No matter how at home I now feel at uni, this little village is just a little slice of perfection. I've already jumped my horse twice since getting back yesterday and he's coming on so well! I'm still aiming to do my first show with him in summer- it's been a long time coming! In my excitement at seeing the horses again, I almost forgot my little cat (pictured) called Pearl, she's an ex-show and breeding Snow Bengal with gorgeous blue eyes and has been acting like the spoilt princess that she is!
So this weekend is the Jubilee!! Yay! I have to say I'm so excited! (A lot of excitement in this post, I know.) The village is hosting a party for it with readings, short plays and a BBQ and buffet. It's actually one of the reasons why I came back for the week: I've been asked to act as part of a poetry reading which will be fun, especially because I'm dressing up all vintagey. I will post outfit photos after the weekend!

The main white coat I used was actually from a Sally Hansen manicure set so it is meant to be used for the tips but it's been great! Because it's quite thin, chipping has been minimal thus far, although I did just get cocky so I'll now be expecting a chip sometime soon!
I also realised with great sadness and dread that yesterday was 30th May. Which means that a month yesterday, it will be my birthday and I will be 19. Now I'll apologise in advance to those 18 and above (because I keep getting disapproving looks everytime I say this) but I don't want to be 19!! I never wanted to be 18 either because it meant I was closer to 19 and then to 20 and that sounds soo big!! Not old, definitely not old, just mature and adult, i.e I really do have to start acting like an adult with horrible and serious adult responsibilities! Yuck, yuck, yuck. But I have come to the conclusion whilst coming back on the train yesterday that ageing is, unfortunately, inevitable so I may as well enjoy each day as it comes. And this year has been brilliant! In fact, for what I have lined up next year, things can surely only get better!
Anyway, whatever you have planned for this weekend's Jubilee celebrations, enjoy it and I hope you have a great time! Make the most of this fantastic excuse to be all British and have afternoon tea and buffets! xoxo
Tuesday, 22 May 2012
Could this yellow splodge in the sky be sun?
Yes, that's right! (I know I'm probably speaking too soon and jinxing the whole thing but...) The sun is finally here! And apparently it's here to stay if you listen to the forecasts. I'd be a little happier about it all if I wasn't going to be stuck inside all day though. I can't even go to revise with my friends by the lake due to two really inconvenient commitments which are going to make me feel very guilty if I don't revise for the rest of the day. Sucks. Apparently revision week isn't just for revising.
I've already been up for a good hour and a half because me and my friend, Billie, went for a run together and conquered the horrendous steps up to Guildford Cathedral (anybody who knows the area will know those stairs!). Yay! *victory dance ensues*
So now that the sun is actually shining, I think it's the perfect excuse I've been waiting for to wear this little number that has been sitting in my wardrobe for two months waiting for warmer weather...
It looks so gorgeous when it's on, teamed with a little pair of brogues or dolly shoes (I'd also like to invest in some little frilly socks too), accessorised with pearls and a little cream across the body bag. With the addition of my cream Guess sunglasses, which are my babies this summer, et voilà!
And I just have to give a mention to this beautiful skirt that I've just seen on their website. It is now my new obsession until I get it which probably won't be anytime soon. Being a poor student sucks sometimes.
I've already been up for a good hour and a half because me and my friend, Billie, went for a run together and conquered the horrendous steps up to Guildford Cathedral (anybody who knows the area will know those stairs!). Yay! *victory dance ensues*
So now that the sun is actually shining, I think it's the perfect excuse I've been waiting for to wear this little number that has been sitting in my wardrobe for two months waiting for warmer weather...
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From Miso at Republic, £25. Click here for the link. |
It looks so gorgeous when it's on, teamed with a little pair of brogues or dolly shoes (I'd also like to invest in some little frilly socks too), accessorised with pearls and a little cream across the body bag. With the addition of my cream Guess sunglasses, which are my babies this summer, et voilà!
And I just have to give a mention to this beautiful skirt that I've just seen on their website. It is now my new obsession until I get it which probably won't be anytime soon. Being a poor student sucks sometimes.
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From Miso at Republic, £25. Click here for the link. |
Friday, 18 May 2012
Time Flies
Hello! So, yesterday was my last seminar of my first year at university... How crazy is that? It barely feels like it's been a month since mum and dad left me with these strange people that I now consider as my best friends. Oh, how time flies.
Also, as I said I would report on the trial of the red lipstick. It's actually a tint gloss from Maybelline called Super Stay 10h Tint Gloss for £6.99 in Endless Ruby. However, 10h stay time is extremely generous if you plan on actually drinking during that time, otherwise it stayed put. The colour was nice and rich too but it did have to be applied a few times. Considering I never have colour on my lips and if I do it's barely noticeable, this was a shock for a bit but I have to say, I do like it!
On a slightly more chirpier note, I thought I'd finally get round to posting a picture of the dress I wore to the Colours Ball on Saturday 12th May (an awards night held for all the sports clubs at the university). It was a really great night, from the performers and the rodeo bull, to the free wine and (amazing) chocolate tart. Praise to the Surrey Stage Crew for the amazing set up they produced! So this is the dress which I saw, and was eventually persuaded, to try on back in November when I went to visit a relative.
So this is a picture of my friend and housemate Georgia (thank you for letting me use the photo!) and me (right) just before we left. Georgia's dress is from Asos and mine is from Ted Baker for £129 (style- Renii) with ruffle sleeves and a bodycon fit. The shoes were an ebay purchase and are Dorothy Perkins. I took a silver clutch from Accessorize that I took to prom and hasn't been worn since so it was high time to get that out again. I debated A LOT over this dress and decided not to buy it because of the money but I must have gone on about it a hell of a lot because Mum ended up getting it for me last Christmas. Naturally, I was extremely excited to finally go to an occasion where I felt I could wear it!
I based my hair on a style that Blake Lively had at the BAFTA Brits to Watch Event in 2011 (see here for piccis). It is loosely plaited down one side and gathered in a low messy bun at the back with loose curls around my face. Could have turned out better but I ended up rushing it!

Anyway, I am now right in the middle of revision/exams until 13th June so I'll apologise in advance if posts become a bit haphazard again! And now I've just realised it's 16.30 and I have definitely spent more time right this post this afternoon than I have on revision... My queue to go I think! x
Wednesday, 16 May 2012
Random Updates
This past week has been a bit crazy and I can't believe it's been so long since my last post! Not good! But there's a lot that's happened so this is going to be a bit of a random post really!
So, first of all, I have some very exciting news that I just have to share...
I have been elected News Editor of The Stag (our university newspaper) next year AND have been elected as Treasurer for the Equestrian Society!! (Let's ignore the fact I study English and haven't done Maths since GCSE... I did get an A though!)
I was elected for both positions last week and since then have had deadlines and meetings galore which sucks. But things have calmed down a little now, hence why I finally got round to making this post!!
There are also two Vampire Diaries episodes that I've watched since my last review and now there's only the finale left! (Crazy excited dance ensues) I know America has already had the finale so I've been desperately trying to avoid all spoilers until next week. So let's start with Do Not Go Gentle (Episode 20)... This episode was an emotional roller coaster to say the least! It did, however, lose me at several points and I was left thinking 'wait, what? How did you get to that conclusion?'. Don't get me wrong, I loved the episode and I, yet again, praise the writers of this programme for their ability to trigger such a huge range of emotions from their audience. But, and whilst I know you constantly have to suspend your belief with this programme which is never normally a problem, it was actually quite difficult with this episode and, rather than being completely absorbed in the action, I found myself outside of it sort of baffled at times.
Because of that I was concerned about the rest of the remaining episodes but Before Sunset did not disappoint! In fact, I would say it was one of its best episodes this season. It combined the perfect amount of epic fight scenes, tragic moments and comedic relief as well as subtly ensuring that the audience followed the twists and turns this episode took. Pretty awesome.
On to another completely irrelevant topic... Yesterday (thank you to Dani and Billie for finally helping me to decide!) I bought my first red lipstick (a sort of deep red) which is extremely different for always-natural me but I'm trialing it tonight so I will post a picci in due course!
Another purchase recently are these beauties... I, number 1, didn't even want these to begin with and, number 2, am having to practise walking in them but they were in the New Look sale for £14 so temptation was put firmly in my way. And I saw no way round other than to buy them!
I'm on a bit of a shoe/ring binge at the moment. A random combination, I know! But it's because I recently found an antiques places near to where I live (I have no idea how I've never found it before but what a discovery!) and they have some gorgeous jewellery but I have yet to buy anything. I'm hoping my next trip home will result in some new accessories. It's a major bonus that there's also a horsey section so I can buy a new pair of riding boots whilst I'm there!
I'm currently on a time limit so I'm going to have to leave it there but a more topic-specific post is on its way, I assure you!
Sorry for the randomness!
So, first of all, I have some very exciting news that I just have to share...
I have been elected News Editor of The Stag (our university newspaper) next year AND have been elected as Treasurer for the Equestrian Society!! (Let's ignore the fact I study English and haven't done Maths since GCSE... I did get an A though!)
I was elected for both positions last week and since then have had deadlines and meetings galore which sucks. But things have calmed down a little now, hence why I finally got round to making this post!!
There are also two Vampire Diaries episodes that I've watched since my last review and now there's only the finale left! (Crazy excited dance ensues) I know America has already had the finale so I've been desperately trying to avoid all spoilers until next week. So let's start with Do Not Go Gentle (Episode 20)... This episode was an emotional roller coaster to say the least! It did, however, lose me at several points and I was left thinking 'wait, what? How did you get to that conclusion?'. Don't get me wrong, I loved the episode and I, yet again, praise the writers of this programme for their ability to trigger such a huge range of emotions from their audience. But, and whilst I know you constantly have to suspend your belief with this programme which is never normally a problem, it was actually quite difficult with this episode and, rather than being completely absorbed in the action, I found myself outside of it sort of baffled at times.
Because of that I was concerned about the rest of the remaining episodes but Before Sunset did not disappoint! In fact, I would say it was one of its best episodes this season. It combined the perfect amount of epic fight scenes, tragic moments and comedic relief as well as subtly ensuring that the audience followed the twists and turns this episode took. Pretty awesome.
On to another completely irrelevant topic... Yesterday (thank you to Dani and Billie for finally helping me to decide!) I bought my first red lipstick (a sort of deep red) which is extremely different for always-natural me but I'm trialing it tonight so I will post a picci in due course!

I'm on a bit of a shoe/ring binge at the moment. A random combination, I know! But it's because I recently found an antiques places near to where I live (I have no idea how I've never found it before but what a discovery!) and they have some gorgeous jewellery but I have yet to buy anything. I'm hoping my next trip home will result in some new accessories. It's a major bonus that there's also a horsey section so I can buy a new pair of riding boots whilst I'm there!
I'm currently on a time limit so I'm going to have to leave it there but a more topic-specific post is on its way, I assure you!
Sorry for the randomness!
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
A Heart of Darkness
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Courtesy of vampire-diaries.net. Check this site out, it's one of the best fan sites out there. |
So I have just finished watching season 3, episode 19 of The Vampire Diaries, "Heart of Darkness" (which is airing tonight in the UK) because I couldn't wait any longer and my god, if you don't watch this program you are seriously missing out.
Anybody who knows me knows that I freaking love this show. The kind of love that makes me go all shaky excited whenever I talk about it, to the point where it verges on becoming an addiction. Actually no, scrap that, it is an addiction.
For those of you who already love this program as much as I do, you can empathise with my love here but I'm telling all of you who are sitting there thinking 'I won't bother with that; I don't feel like sitting through another Twilight', this is a thousand times better. And I don't say that lightly; I love Twilight after reading the books in Year 10 and falling deeply in love with Edward. But since I'm now nearly 19, I'm finding that Twilight (notably the films) just isn't as exciting anymore. Enter The Vampire Diaries.
First of all, for those who vaguely know the storyline is similar to Twilight, The Vampire Diaries came first in the form of a book series written by L J Smith back in 1991. Yeah that's right 1991, a whole 14 years before the release of the Twilight novels. So you can get that 'she copied Twilight' idea out of your head!
And second, if you want a bit of eye candy, this is the place to look. I swear The Vampire Diaries have the best-looking cast on television by a long shot. Nina Dobrev and Candice Accola are stunning, and Paul Wesley is hot. But this post wouldn't be complete if I didn't drool over Ian Somerhalder who is so perfectly suited to playing Damon. Maybe it's his bad boy style character (which I'm a sucker for anyway) or maybe it's just those eyes but if anything is worth watching this program for, it's him. Put him and Paul Wesley together and you have an amazing combination.
I do have to applaud the writers of The Vampire Diaries. I have yet to find another program that keeps me as gripped as this does (and yes I have tried True Blood). Apart from 3 episodes of the latest season which seemed to have lost a bit of their usual pizzazz (and let's be honest 3 out of 66 ain't bad), every episode throws up amazing twists that 1. you never see coming no matter how on-the-ball you think you are and 2. you have no idea how the characters will overcome. But they do, even if it means killing off main characters and that's something that makes this program brilliant because they aren't afraid to take such a risk like that. And believe me, it always pays off.
If you've been convinced and now think you might give it a go, don't read on because there are a few spoilers that would ruin the experience for you, because, quite frankly, you should discover these things yourself.
For the rest of you fans, this was one of those episodes that was beautifully written. And here's one word bound to make thousands squeal: Delena. It finally happened! I say finally but I know it's happened twice before, yet somehow each time seems like the first time?! Regardless, this was even more perfect than Damon's deathbed scene. The longing looks, the tender touches and finally that passion- Nina and Ian acted this moment flawlessly. Plus, the music choice fitted the moment so well (Florence and the Machine- Never Let Me Go), as it always does. I think I may have stopped breathing with excitement during this whole scene. As you can probably tell, I'm rooting big time for Delena but I can't help thinking that it might not be all that exciting anymore once it really happens (by that I mean not just stealing forbidden kisses here and there). But I have complete faith in the writers that this won't happen.
Now that I have that out my system (to my friends if you're reading this- you need to start watching so I have someone to discuss these things with!)... I love the one-liners in this program; they never fail to disappoint. From Stefan's "Get the hell out of my house" to Caroline and Rebekah's "No!" in unison. And I had to laugh at the "He thinks he's so funny" moment when Elena and Alaric find Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde which Damon had given him to read.
But of course the highlight was the ending with yet another twist. Esther in Rebekah's body? Brilliant. I can see another amazing season finale on the horizon with allies formed out of enemies, and love blooming from lust.
Wednesday, 25 April 2012
I want to be Made in Chelsea too.
Many of my friends have been telling me to watch Made in Chelsea for months but after
watching an episode of TOWIE, I was put off both of them for life. That is
until I stumbled across an old episode of MIC on E4 the other day and I must
say I was hooked.
Maybe it’s the classy extravagant lifestyle that these
people live with the cars, the clothes and the champagne which makes this so
much more appealing than TOWIE but maybe it’s because it also seems so much
less fixed. There are some genuinely awkward scenes that make you squirm and
cringe until you almost turn over but there are also some literally brilliant
laugh-out-loud scenes which wouldn’t have worked if they’d been pre-written
(especially because I’m not sure these people can act well enough to deliver
them properly).
And I may have only seen three episodes so far but two
words… Caggie Dunlop. How amazing is this girl? Maybe I’m just being
superficial here because one of the biggest draws to her is how gorgeous she is
but she’s also sweet as well!! How often do you get that combination in a girl
these days? But I’ll continue to watch because maybe I haven’t seen her bitchy
side yet.
The bromance between Hugo and Spencer simply makes the show.
From when they both came on screen, it was obvious that you should like Hugo and hate Spencer. Hugo
so far seems sweet and almost, almost a genuine guy (excuse me if I’m wrong-
naïve Made in Chelsea
fan here, soon to be more experienced!). Spencer, however, is just that player
girls should stay clear of. Yet, and maybe this is just because of my weakness
for bad boys, Spencer is awesome. Nobody could even try to hate that cheeky
little grin and his stupid-but-he-thinks-they’re-brilliant plans.
MIC is fast becoming my guilty pleasure and if you’re
reading this and still haven’t watched it, seriously give it a go. You will be
sucked into this material world where drinking champagne during the day is
normal. Cheers.
Friday, 20 April 2012
Happy Birthday Mum
It was Mum's birthday yesterday and as well as her present, I decided to bake her some cupcakes as her birthday cake when she went to work. They were my first successful cupcakes! As in they looked, felt and tasted like they're meant to (in the past they have usually come out weighing a tonne and looking like scones. Not good). So anyway, here they are!

It's a white chocolate cake that I made with BBC Good Food's recipe which you can find here.
I also found these on my phone from Easter...

There are a lot of negative comments about it on the recipe page but I decided to give it a go anyway and, considering I am in no way a good baker, it did come out well (and tasted delicious). I screwed the icing up a little but that was my fault for overbeating.
Tip: the recipe says an hour in the oven but I gave it a good 1 and a half after turning it down about 10 degrees. Even then it could have done with longer! So even if it looks done, keep inserting that skewer!
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