Saturday 6 June 2015

5 things I've got planned for summer having finished university

I just submitted my final piece of university work, ever! Should I feel happy, elated? Sad, scared? On the one hand it's brilliant - I can get back to blogging, yay! I've seriously missed it actually. Just being able to post my little thoughts is a really good outlet, and not having had the time to do it recently has been surprisingly frustrating. On the other hand, to say that I'm feeling a mixture of emotions is putting it mildly. I've spent four years working solidly toward this moment and it's a bit of a strange anti-climax. I'll never have that feeling of 'oh, I should be doing work for that essay' ever again (unless I do a Masters, which could actually be on the cards). I'll also never have to read a book again. Both of these concepts are completely foreign to me. The idea of having completely free evenings and weekends without the guilt of not working, and the idea of being able to read a book because I want to and not have to analyse it, sounds amazing. But I already know it's going to take some serious getting used to.

University has been an incredible experience and has allowed me to grow as a person. By far the greatest highlight was my placement year in Paris, and I can't imagine the city not playing a serious part in my future. I also can't deny that I have thoroughly enjoyed my degree. I love Literature (hence considering the Masters) and I think I'll really miss studying the subject. But by far the best aspect of these four years is the people I've met. People say you meet friends for life at university, and I 100% understand that now. It'll be strange to take these friendships from university and into our new working lives but being in Paris taught me that your best friends will always be there. You know who you are, and you've helped make university so special for me.

That's enough of the mushy stuff. For now, I've got plenty of things lined up for summer before I begin work (scary stuff) and I thought I'd share because then I can use it as a little list to tick off as I go along...

1. Go sailing. Something I've wanted to do again since I did it in France, and since we're so close to a sailing centre, I have absolutely no excuses!

2. Attend a sewing class. My sewing machine has been sitting in the spare room for about 9 months and I hate the thought that I haven't really managed to start any projects. With a place that offers such classes in the next village (do you know how rare it is to have anything that close to us?!) I need to get stitching!

3. Go to Paris. This one is pretty much ticked off because, exciting news: I've booked to go back for my birthday!! I had promised and promised myself over the last year that I would go back but it's now been roughly a year since I was there and I just have to return, or I think I'll have a breakdown. Excited does not begin to cover it.

4. Compete in the local jumping competitions. Even if it's just once, this is something I need to do before I get tied down with work. Somehow I've never really made it (partly because I have a crazy horse) but we'll get there.

5. Graduate. This is kind of obvious, and inevitable... But this is mainly on my list because I want it to be a landmark that I can use to look back at the past four years and appreciate how far I've come. Plus, graduation ball is on the same evening and it could be the last time I'm united with all my friends for a while so I want to have an incredible and memorable time!

Is anyone else graduating this summer? If you've been faced with assignments/exams like me, I hope they're all going well!

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